Unique Critter Cam shot coming Thursday
Published 10:29 pm Thursday, October 14, 2010
Earlier in the week I had the opportunity to capture what is without a doubt the most unique photo ever show in our Chester’s Critter Cam feature.
I can’t drop too many hints but I will say it sort of fits with an unintentional theme we’ve had lately and it is something that is super super rare.
Make sure and check out next Thursday’s outdoors page to see it.
Anglers looking to contribute flounder to flounder stocking program at Sea Center Texas have a chance to help Saturday.
From 9 a.m. till 2 p.m. officials from Sea Center will be on hand near Sharky’s Grill at Pleasure Island to take live donations of flounder. The angler who brings in the largest flounder will get a replica of their catch. The person who brings in the most flounder gets a special prize package from the Orange County Chapter of the Coastal Conservation Association.
For more information, e-mail cmoore@fishgame.com.
Now onto the report…
North Sabine—Redfish are fair under birds on plastics and spoons fished around East Pass. Flounder are slow to fair on jigs tipped with shrimp and Roadrunners.
South Sabine—Trout and redfish are fair on Gulp shrimp, live shrimp and spoons fished under birds. Flounder are fair along the Louisiana shoreline and around the causeway on live bait.
Sabine Pass—Redfish and trout are fair on live bait and on soft plastics fished along the edge of drop-offs. Black drum and croaker are good on dead shrimp.
Sabine River—Trout and redfish are good from Cow Bayou down to Middle Pass under the birds early and are taking plastics and topwaters. Catfish are fair on shrimp and cut bait. Flounder are fair on live bait fished under popping corks tight to shorelines.
Calcasieu (Big Lake )—Hackberry Rod and Gun reports trout redfish are very good on spinners, spoons and plastics fished in West Cove and around the Old Jetties. Trout are good under the birds but are running small. Flounder are starting to bite in the bayous on outgoing tides.
Sam Rayburn—Texas Parks & Wildlife Department officials report largemouths are good on watermelon soft plastic worms and crankbaits in 10 – 30 feet. White bass are good on minnows and pet spoons. Crappie are good on live minnows and blue tube jigs. Bream are good on nightcrawlers. Catfish are good on trotlines baited with live bait.
Toledo Bend—Texas Parks & Wildlife Department officials report largemouths are good on chartreuse/white spinnerbaits and crankbaits, and on chartreuse topwaters early and late. Striped bass are slow. White bass are slow. Crappie are good on minnows over brush piles. Bream are good on nightcrawlers. Channel and blue catfish are slow. Yellow catfish are slow.
Hunting—State waterfowl biologists report the Panhandle has good numbers of playa lakes brimming with water. The coast has adequate water but is drying. Pintails, shovelers, teal, gadwalls, wigeons and redheads are showing on the coast. More specklebellies and ducks should show up with the forecasted front. The Panhandle is loading up with teal, pintails, wood ducks, gadwalls and wigeons. The High Plains Mallard Management Unit runs Oct. 23-24 and Oct. 29-Jan. 23, 2011. The North #and South zones open Oct. 30.
TOLEDO BEND: Normal Pool Level: 172.0 Current Pool Level: 164.50 Was 164.56
RAYBURN LAKE: Normal Pool Level: 164 Current Pool Level: 156.31 Was: 156.96
B.A. STEIN HAGEN: Normal Pool Level: 85 Current Pool Level: 82.44 Was: 82.27
Chester Moore, Jr. is The News Outdoors Editor.