Services today and death notices for June 8

Published 4:57 pm Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Services today

Elizabeth “Pat” Baze, Oak Bluff Memorial Park, Port Neches, 10 a.m.

“Millie” Keenan Resch, Levingston Funeral Home, Groves, 2 p.m.

James “Lad” Jennings, Grammier-Oberle Funeral Home, 10 a.m.


Death notices

Patricia Gradney, 67, of Port Arthur died Tuesday, June 7, 2016. Gabriel Funeral Home.

Hildegard Anglin, 94, of Port Arthur died June 3, 2016. Melancon’s Funeral Home, Nederland.

Dorothy Mary Lynn, 74, of Nederland died June 7, 2016. Melancon’s Funeral Home, Nederland.

Mary Styles Higgins, 73, of Port Neches died June 7, 2016. Melancon’s Funeral Home, Nederland.

Valentine R. Williams, 75, of Port Arthur died Monday, June 6, 2016. Hannah Funeral Home Inc.