Kathie’s Korner: “Bag and a Bible”
Published 11:04 am Thursday, May 28, 2015
By Kathy Deasey
I did a series on “Expanding Your Prayer Life,” recently, and I enjoyed that, but, then I love to pray.
We’re going to start a prayer time at our Rock Church on a morning this fall. My granddaughter, Bevin, and I will have a fun, meaningful time with all who are interested called, “Bag and a Bible” where you can bring a sack lunch and your Bible. We will furnish drinks and a Bible if you need. I hope you will join us; it will be an important time to focus, maybe learn something new for you about prayer and pray together at this critical time in our world. I will give the date and time as we draw near.
In the disciple’s prayer or Lords Prayer, Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus teaches us to pray. In verse 11 He says, “Give us each day our daily bread.” That means He provides for us daily and never changes His mind. That prayer is eternal Words for us, that never fade or wither.
Do we question His Word and love for us? Let us instead, read the Lords Prayer and thank God every day for His Love and provision, then, be generous to share all that we have amen !
The main thing to know about prayer is DO IT! It’s a time to talk and listen to our Heavenly Father. He hears and answers our prayers.
Scripture: Matthew 6:9 says, “Our Father…” This is all we need, sometimes !
Let’s not forget to go to Him anytime: driving, relaxing, or even cooking or cleaning our homes.
We can always count on, talk to and cry-out to Him, which is a part of our relationship with Him. The more often we do this, the closer we are to Him.
I had a little 9-year-old girl in Michigan tell me that before she says her prayers and goes to sleep at night, she tells God jokes. She says, “He likes my jokes” !
I love that, children who can learn to talk to their Heavenly Daddy will always have a relationship with Him.
This is one way to pray, there are so many facets we will be teaching. Come expand and experience your prayer life with God and His believers !