KATHIE’S KORNER — Discouraged, maybe, but don’t quit yet
Published 12:07 am Saturday, July 27, 2019
While at church last week, my pastor, Ron Hammonds, gave such a critical, timely, profound message, including the phrase, “Don’t quit.” Of course, he elaborated on why we should keep persevering and keep ourselves motivated for our goals and services, and I will do the same.
It was timely for me as I thought I wanted to quit a program I was involved in to better my physical condition. I realized while he was preaching that I was hasty in my decision and let myself be discouraged, as I held up my index finger and pointed it at my face! I pondered his words in my heart, I discussed it with my husband (a great, positive sounding-block and counsel to me), and we decided I should re-enroll and get back in the game.
It’s important for me in so many ways to continue my meetings and something to look forward to. It’s not only for my health and fellowship but a ministry of my spirit to those who are lost, lonely or interested in what I have to say about me and my Jesus! Sometimes I sing, or have a story that makes them laugh (people don’t laugh enough)!
I see some who are Christians but are shy about talking about their faith and their church, so funny to me that they talk almost in a whisper when we mention God! Think about how loud some talk or yell in public about mundane things. I always say, “It’s OK, we can talk out loud about God.” He’s important.
Are they being respectful, shy or embarrassed? I’m pretty bold and aggressive, I know.
Anyway, I won’t quit, I will get back, and continue to get the support I need and minister, as the leader gives me liberty and enjoys my personality in Jesus.
It’s great to be free and enjoy who you are, in Christ, in America, the land of the free and brave! So, don’t quit, you’ll get where you’re going, doesn’t matter how long it takes, amen.
Write to me: kathiedeasy@hotmail.com and come visit Golden Triangle Church on the Rock — where Twin City meets Highway 69. I’m there 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Love to meet you and you’ll be welcomed and loved from my Church family!
Kathie Deasy writes about faith for The Port Arthur News.