Published 10:37 pm Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Pineapple sage was one of my favorite finds at the Jefferson County Master Gardeners plant sale at the airport. My friend picked me up and we went as a trio with her daughter. They went nuts with the hanging baskets while I headed toward the herbs.
They were first timers and then we hit the test gardens at the airport.
Then we had some more fun at the Beaumont Botanical Gardens, where I again, headed for the herbs. As usual, the grounds were full of photographers and fresh-faced graduates.
Those with green thumbs are out there spreading their seeds of knowledge and anyone willing to learn will be beside them, digging in the dirt.
Onion wine
I got a little misty listening to the Pantano red onion cooking wine pitch. It’s for cooking, not drinking, and there’s no salt, a woman in the family of this Sulphur, La.-based company told me.
There’s a bayou scene on the label. That got me, too.
Then I saw a painting in their booth at a merchant show. The bayou scene, painted by a relative, had a pirogue with a tiny scripture painted on it. This story was like they where fishers of men, or fishers of cooking fans, like me. I took the bottle home and am using it with a variety of meats. Get their story at