Old dock removed from PN riverfront
Published 9:49 am Monday, March 13, 2017
PORT NECHES — Work to remove a dilapidated dock from Port Neches’ riverfront property is now complete.
Taylor Shelton, director of public works for the city, said the project took only several weeks to finish.
“The project didn’t take long, maybe three to four weeks,” Shelton said. “They (Taylor Marine Construction Inc. out of Kemah) removed the old dock and picked up the loose materials along the bank.”
The work equipment, some of which include a barge, tugboat and crane, remain on the site, which is in the river in front of the Neches River Wheelhouse restaurant, and will be removed soon.
In 2015, the city learned they were the recipients of a general land Office-Coastal Management Program grant for the City of Port Neches Riverfront Enhancement Clean-up Project. The total grant was for $227,000, with the GLO kicking in $140,000 and the city pitching in $87,000.
The removal of the old, unused dock paves the way, so to speak for an upcoming erosion barrier project.
This project has been submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for review that should be completed by spring 2017 with construction to begin later in 2017.
These projects are all linked to a master plan for the riverfront area. To aide with the large scale project, city leaders are working to form a special purpose district. The issue, and its board of directors, has been approved by city council and the information regarding the issue has been sent to local lawmakers.