Chain of command: Island staff reports to city manager
Published 9:00 am Thursday, April 25, 2019
If there is a chain-of-command issue at Port Arthur’s Pleasure Island, it ends at the City Charter, interim City Manager Rebecca Underhill said Wednesday.
Section 2, Article 18 says, “The Pleasure Island Commission will serve as an advisory board of the City. The City Manager will be charged with managing all Pleasure Island staffing and appropriately placing it within the organizational structure of the City government.”
The issue resurfaced at Tuesday’s City Council meeting, specifically when it comes to whom Jimmy Dike, the Pleasure Island director, reports.
District 4 Councilmember Harold Doucet said that citizens with concerns or ideas about the island should go to the island’s advisory board; they, in turn, should pass along the information to Jimmy Dike, who would take it to Underhill, who serves as interim city manager.
Councilmembers heard from John Beard, who chairs Pleasure Island’s advisory board. He told the City Council he was concerned because a private citizen on the island had used city-owned equipment to cut grass along the cart paths on what was the front nine holes at the defunct The Palms golf course on Pleasure Island.
Carolyn Worsham, who identified herself as the private citizen, said she had used a city-owned riding mower a couple of times to cut grass along the cart paths, which she wants to develop as a public nature trail. She said former interim City Manager Harvey Robinson granted her permission to use the mower.
Worsham lives on the island and approached the island’s advisory board to discuss a nature trail last spring. She said it has been an uphill battle to develop the trail, and even to keep access to the site, which requires entrance through a locked gate.
“My whole goal is to get it unlocked and allow people out there,” she said, adding that the trail should appeal to birders, cyclists, equestrians and runners.
She said Wednesday she wants to continuing working along the paths, but would not do so until talking with the new interim city manager. Underhill said Wednesday she would not object to Worsham pruning along the path with her own tools.
Mayor Derrick Freeman suggested appointing Worsham to the city’s beautification board. Underhill said the city secretary would see if there were any open positions.
Beard also suggested there were communication problems involving the City Council and the advisory board. He said councilmembers had been invited to a Saturday retreat on Pleasure Island, but did not attend. Councilmembers said they were not told about the meeting.
He also said the city had OK’d an RV park on the island, although the advisory board had opposed it. Doucet said the board’s opposition had not been made known to the council.
“If we don’t consider (the board’s positions), what’s the purpose of having a board?” he asked.
The city has sought ways to develop Pleasure Island, including selling properties to private investors. A Houston developer recently approached councilmembers with an idea for building a hotel and reopening the golf course.