KATHIE’S KORNER — Forget the bad and remember the good
Published 12:05 am Saturday, November 23, 2019
I hear so much about folks worrying and constantly wanting prayer for their past, to the point of losing the present and future blessings that could get “lost in the shuffle” unless you “…renew your mind” (Romans 12:2).
I’m not saying I was a “goody two-shoes” as I am human, but a good citizen! I had to test and push the envelope somewhat. Not so much as a child, happily playing outside and inside if it rained, with my brothers and our dog, Susie, and busy with music lessons singing and playing piano, but as I grew older some of my teen friends had cars as well as me (my rich brother, Jim, bought me a powder-blue, lowered, ’54 Chevy) when I was 16, and we all drove them to a local movie drive-in and outdoor food, drive-ins, much like the Sonics nowadays!
Needless to say while we had so much fun, we never broke any laws, but we were a little loud and careless at times, our parents keeping hold of the reins, so to speak!
Then, as an adult, working in “Hollyweird” in the studios, getting caught up with some of the excesses offered to musicians and singers everywhere, celebrity parties, concerts … glad to be out of that area and serving God with our music at schools, churches, concerts and prisons all over the world for 30 years! Longer than the studio time.
My parents and grandparents taught me such wonderful life skills growing up, like respect for them and people everywhere, the Bible, good manners, thoughtfulness, a sense of humor with a freedom to laugh naturally, an enjoyment to play and watch sports, sometimes live events like Rams football games, so I live and dwell there, letting go of bad memories or grudges which would lead to bitterness and unforgiveness, ugh!
So, don’t let the negative part of your past determine your future. Run with the good and healthy ones!
Kathie Deasy writes about faith for The Port Arthur News. Her column appears on Saturdays.