KATHIE’S KORNER — A word on the wonder of anniversaries
Published 12:07 am Saturday, January 18, 2020
Webster’s definition: The annual recurrence of a date marking a notable event.
There are anniversaries for so many events in our lives, from birthdays to jobs, and friendships that are long-lasting, but my personal favorite are wedding anniversaries.
They’re my favorite only because the first time I saw Mike, my husband, at a band rehearsal and dated him, I knew I wanted to be with him forever. We dated for over two years before we married and were three years married before we started having our three children. Looking back on those decisions I think we were smart to really get to know each other in lots of different situations, emotions and times through conversations and recreation with people, especially family.
I really did make a pledge to him and God that has lasted 59 years, and we are renewing our contract Jan. 24. Just kidding — leaving or quitting was never an option.
We both have studied music all our lives in college and with personal coaches, working hard to move into a slot in the Hollywood Recording Studios where Mike played guitar and I sang back-up, all the time writing our unique songs and preparing for the next step in our journey with God.
God kept us alive and together for 15 years in Hollyweird, and there was so much pressure with good and bad opportunities always available. We had amazing friends (fellow musicians, producers, and singers), some who were praying for us as we eventually went to a Billy Graham Crusade with “born-again wonder” and met Pastor Jack Hayford who prayed for our family. Life began anew! We use all of our past relationships and business in Hollywood to open doors for us to go to schools, prisons and wherever God leads us to share the Gospel and use music as our tool of ministry. It is very effective in places like the east side of Chicago or New York City where schools have guards and detectors for weapons. We never had a problem in schools or prisons or traveling international as long as we followed God’s plan.
I don’t want to make people feel bad or guilty who have divorced or not married to a partner. I’m merely telling my story and hopefully it will encourage others to hang in there, make it work (if possible) or get with God about your future.
Also, Sunday, Jan. 19, is the 46th anniversary of our Pastor Ron and Brenda Hammonds, dear friends and co-laborers for Jesus we met in the 1980s. They are such fun, powerful teachers, giving, forgiving and all around successful parents and examples of loyal Christians. Did I say fun, funny and always great to be around?
Kathie Deasy writes about faith for The Port Arthur News. She can be reached at kathiedeasy@hotmail.com.