ASK A COP: Think you dodged that speeding ticket? Think again

Published 8:03 am Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Roger from Groves asks: First, I’d like to thank you for opening a regular line for communication the citizens of this community and beyond. I was traveling on the road and met two police cars going in the opposite direction. I must truthfully admit I noticed at that time I was going over the posted speed limit. But they didn’t stop me and, man, was I ever relieved because they had the right to turn around and write me a ticket. So, what did I do? I conveniently set my cruise control that’s installed in my vehicle. But to my dismay I was pulled over a little further down the road by a different police officer. He told me that he was informed by the first officer that I was speeding. He was a younger officer trying to make a name for himself. Now I was always told that if the officer doesn’t catch you when you are speeding that you are off the hook, so to speak. Is this procedure or have I been led astray?

Answer: Good question Roger. You actually bring up a valid complaint among many motorists. The police officer that observed the violation does NOT have to be the officer that stops your vehicle and issues you a citation. When a police officer observes a violation, time is on the officer’s side as to when he shall issue the citation. In your case that is routine operation within the law enforcement community. Officers often radio other officers and advise them what they observed. The other officer now has probable cause to stop said vehicle and issue a citation on the statement of another officer, even when the officer that will issue the citation did NOT observe the motorist violating any law. Along with that, ANY law enforcement officer in the state of Texas has two years from the date they witnessed a class C misdemeanor to issue any person a citation. They can contact the appropriate court and have you subpoenaed to answer a complaint that could be a year old. So, if you don’t violate the Texas Transportation Code you have nothing to concern yourself about.

Jonathan from Port Arthur asks: Officer Antoine, I have recently adopted a 5-year-old daughter. She is tall for her age. At what age can she sit in the front seat of my car?

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Answer: First, I’d like to congratulate you on the new addition of a lovely young girl to your family. I’m asked this question constantly because apparently someone started the rumor that someone has to be a certain age to ride in a particular seat position in a motor vehicle. Jonathan, you can sit your child in ANY seat other than the driver seat, as long as you have the child in the correct child restraint system. You can sit a newborn in the front seat as long as you have them in the correct seat, facing backwards with the air bag deactivated. I wouldn’t personally advise sitting children in the front seat, but it’s not ILLEGAL in Texas to do so. Your daughter will need a booster seat until she is 8 years of age or 4’9″ tall, whichever one comes first.

Judy from Port Arthur asks: I’ve been following you for a couple years in The News since I moved here, and I must say that I’ve never been stopped by you. I have an issue that puzzles me. I have two younger brothers, 24 and 18 years of age, that both share the same vehicle. My younger brother always complains about his older brother leaving empty beer cans in the car, believing he’s going to get in trouble if he gets stopped by the police. What should he do if he gets stopped by police with the empty beer cans in the car and he’s underage?

Answer: Thanks for following and grateful to hear you and your family are learning from Ask A Cop and your family! It’s you and many others who continue to breathe life into this column every week. This column is nothing without the questions from readers. I will admit that empty beer cans will rise suspicion with ANY police officer who happens to stop your underage brother driving a vehicle. But the key word here will be “EMPTY” beer cans. There’s no offense committed by your younger brother if the cans are empty, and there’s no indication the underage driver has partaken in any detectable amount of an alcoholic beverage. It might help your brothers, especially the older one, if he would tidy up behind himself after parking the vehicle. Judy, I’d like to send a stern warning to the older brother about drinking and driving, or allowing alcoholic beverages to be consumed in his vehicle. Motorists who are under the influence of an alcoholic beverage make up at least one-third of our fatalities on the Texas roadway. He’s of age to consume alcoholic beverages in Texas, but there’s no age limit for LEGALLY drinking and driving on the roads of Texas.

Join Me, Officer Antoine and the CREW Stephen “Buzzard Boots” Mosley, Lelo “mouth of Hwy 69/73” I Washington & Tejas “Lil Man”Morning Star for Ask A Cop live, on KSAP 96.9 FM The Breeze radio station, every Tuesday for at least 2hours from 1 to 3 p.m. and beyond. Tune in and listen as Officer Antoine discusses in detail the newly released “Ask A Cop” article that’s printed in The News. You can also tune in via internet at Feel free to call in and ask your question live to Officer Antoine at (409) 982-0247. Feel free to email your questions, or call 409-983-8673 and leave a voice mail question, or mail them to: Ofc. Rickey Antoine, 645 4th Street, Port Arthur, Texas, 77640. If you happen to see me in public you can always free and comfortable to approach and “Ask A Cop”