Ties that bind: Life-saving kidney transplant comes from unexpected donor

Published 5:00 pm Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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When Wesley Roy Jr. initially received his diagnosis in the summer of 2023, he didn’t know what would come next.

The Nederland resident was well-acquainted with the toll polycystic kidney disease could take on the body after watching his late father struggle with a similar diagnosis. However, nothing could have prepared Roy Jr. for the months to come.

The news of kidney failure was followed by peritoneal dialysis. The following April, a bilateral nephrectomy removed both of Roy Jr.’s kidneys and meant he required an uncomfortable hemodialysis regimen just to survive while waiting to receive a new kidney via transplant.

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On June 26, Roy Jr. received the ultimate gift thanks to an unexpected organ donor deemed a perfect match — his ex-wife, Lena Stevens, was recovering just down the hallway after giving a kidney for the transplant.

“This journey has had some ups and downs and been very emotional,” Roy Jr. said. “You never know when the kidney is gonna come and how you’re gonna support your family. We were overwhelmed with emotions, and I think Lena was too.”

The story of how the kidney transplant transpired almost feels like something straight out of a Hollywood film script. If it were, the ties that bind might just move audiences to tears.

Roy Jr. and Stevens were together for 12 years, and married for a decade. Though the two have long-since been separated after a mutual divorce, they’ve maintained a friendly relationship and co-parented their kids, now 19 and 18 years old.

When Stevens heard that her ex-husband was eligible to receive the much-needed kidney, there was no question in her mind that she wanted to try and be a match.

“I feel pretty honored that it was me,” Stevens said. “He gave me the two best gifts of life, my two children, so I’m glad I was able to give him this gift.

“He’s a great guy and a great dad. He’s always been there for me and the kids. You can always count on him and he’ll give the shirt off his back… We may be separated but he’s still family, and I wouldn’t want my kids to go through life without their dad.”

Both parties underwent significant testing to ensure they’d be healthy after the transplant was done, and that Stevens’ kidney wouldn’t be rejected by Roy Jr. ‘s immune system. He was surprised to find out his ex-wife was a near-perfect match, and incredibly grateful for her willingness to donate an organ.

Roy Jr.’s health has been on the upswing ever since the transplant. Following the surgery, he passed nearly 50 pounds of straight fluid through his system and felt an immediate difference in his health.

“When I got the kidney, I went back to the room about 4 o’clock and could feel it doing what it was supposed to do,” Roy Jr. said. “I could feel myself getting better. When I woke up, I knew something had changed in my body.”

Now, Roy Jr. has made a full recovery. His body accepted the kidney and subsequent medical tests have yielded positive results. Doctors told the 42-year old to keep living life, and he’s now back at work with Industrial Speed Group.

The experience has left a lasting impression on both donor and recipient.

“It really humbled me,” Roy Jr. said. “You never know what someone could be going through. When you see someone wearing a mask, don’t assume they are one particular political party or another — it could be anything. When you get a new organ, you’re immune-suppressed for your entire life. When I go to the store or into a crowd I have to wear a mask.”

Following her own surgery, Stevens suffered a partially-collapsed lung, though she made a full recovery as well. She said her few days of discomfort were certainly worth the benefit for Roy Jr.

“I feel very special that I was able to do that,” Stevens said. “It’s hard to explain because sometimes I don’t know how to put the emotions into words. Just the change in him is well worth the surgery and the rough couple of days I had. 

“If you have the chance to be a living donor, go for it. It’s hard for people to wait to receive an organ. You can’t imagine the life you can give someone, to let them keep living for their kids. It’s incredible.”