Port Arthur Mayoral Candidates make their case for Mayor

Published 5:33 pm Friday, March 28, 2025

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The four mayoral candidates for Port Arthur gathered at a forum this week to answer questions and address any concerns from voters for the upcoming May 3 election. 

The mayoral candidates are Charlie Lewis Jr., Charlotte Moses, Allen “Opie” Valka and Chuck Vincent.

The forum was held at New St. John Missionary Baptist Church and hosted by Port Arthur Ministers Conference and Port Arthur citywide pastors group. 

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The event was not a debate but allowed community members a chance to write their questions on flash cards for the candidates to answer.

Roughly 100 citizens filled the venue along with various other notable people including Port Arthur council members. No Councilmember seat is up for election at this time. 

Candidates were all given 2 minutes to answer any question that had been submitted. Topics ranged from economic growth to fighting homelessness in the city. The forum was moderated by Pastors Daryl Anderson and Rose Chaisson.

Here is how candidates respond to some of the questions: 

Why are you running for mayor?

Charlie Lewis Jr.:

“I’ve been an unelected official for 41 years, so I’ve heard all the complaints, all the gripes of the citizens of Port Arthur. I’ve sat with you from place to place, eye to eye and I know the concerns. I’ve been a part of the problem electing the same officials over and over again.”

“I’m stepping up for change. I’m stepping up to not lose focus. When I get there, it’s going to be our seat. It’s going to be our voice and it’s going to be our time right now.”  

Allen “Opie” Valka:

The reason I’m running for mayor is because of the fact I’m born and raised in this city. Since 1974 I’ve worked side by side with citizens, the youth, everybody. I work in the industry of the tow truck business but I see all the citizens and their pain and their scaredness of the streets, the infrastructure, the sewers, the drainage, it’s non-stop.”

“We need to finish what was started 20 years ago and quit putting a roof over ashes. Let’s put a foundation, let’s put structure, let’s put stability because our kids and grandkids is what’s going to be next in Port Arthur, that’s why I’m running for mayor.”

Charlotte Moses 

“Im running for mayor to come back and complete the job that I had the opportunity to work on.”

“This is an opportunity with somebody with the knowledge and the expertise that knows how to make it happen. I know how to go in with any waiting period to get it done. I know how to go in and work as a unified counsel because we’re not one person, this is everybody working together for a common good. I bring the leadership quality. I bring that to the table so that we can get Port Arthur back on its feet. I want Port Arthur to be proud of the representative that it has at the table.” 

Chuck Vincent

“When I look up in this room like this and I see everybody in here, this is exactly what the city of Port Arthur needs, rooms like this, people coming together of every walk and diversity to come together to solve our problems.”

“I’m only one person where the power comes from is you, the citizens, you the voters, you’re the ones that have to do it. You’re not going to be able to get on Facebook and be a Facebook warrior to get these things done. You’ll have to put in the elbow grease and I’m willing to put in the elbow grease.”

What is your plan for Economic Development?

Charlie Lewis Jr.:

“It takes us all to get it done. To bring new business opportunities here, we need to not only grow through industry but private business. One shouldn’t be hindered for having their own money or financial astuteness and be hindered by not wanting to assist or lean or be bullied by the city when all they need is some help.   

Allen “Opie” Valka:

“We’re a family, we have to support small businesses in this city.  We need to support the fact that we have other people wanting to come into the city because they believe in this city. People need to have faith in the city to open up in the city.”

“Go through the tools, talk to (businesses), feel their pain and let’s compromise on what needs to be done to bring them here.”

Charlotte Moses

“The way we get economic development is to have incentives for businesses to come to our city. You have to have businesses that are willing to do public-private partnerships.”

“”(Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones) exist right now, we don’t know it, a lot of people don’t know it because nobody told you that it exists, so that’s how you build that.” 

Chuck Vincent

“Our EDC and our economic development of Port Arthur needs a big change, and the way I wanna do it is put some business-minded people in there, that gonna do the work and put in the elbow grease in to do what it takes to get it done.”

How to address the homeless population in Port Arthur?

Charlie Lewis Jr.:

“(We could) build a facility for 1,100 of our disabled veterans that can no longer work and can only hold a sign up and ask you for your money on the corner. If we really wanted to do something, we can build something.”

Allen “Opie” Valka:

“God put us on this earth to take care of the people out there. We need to keep doing it. We need to continue to show and see and find grants and other nonprofit organizations to assist us in this city.”

Charlotte Moses

“We need to make sure that we have a non-profit that will work with the city of Port Arthur to help us in that effort.”

“I do believe that once you get a partnership with a 501c3 that you can work with that can collab come up with an effort to be able to help move and help get these homeless off the streets to be able to help them.” 

Chuck Vincent

“We have a lot of empty facilities around town. I know there’s one over on 9th Avenue around Jimmy Johnson that one of our faith based was working to try and get together and make it a shelter for the homeless. We need things like that. We don’t need to incarcerate them and throw them in jail.”


The last day to register to vote in the May 3 election is April 3.  

Early voting is from April 22 to April 29.  

Election Day is May 3.