New positions created to help Port Arthur Economic Development Corporation; application process ongoing

Published 12:20 am Friday, March 15, 2024

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The application period is closing soon for two newly created positions at the Port Arthur Economic Development Corporation.

The application period ends March 22 for the position of business attraction, retention and expansion manager and April 5 for the position of workforce and community development manager.

Both positions will work under the direction of the CEO.

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The job description for the business attraction position states the person will perform “complex administrative and managerial functions, including planning, organizing ad directing the business attraction, retention and expansion programs with the primary goal of increasing Port Arthur’s global competitiveness, create new jobs, enhance economic growth, and extend PAEDC’s global reach through expert discovery and exploration of new and untapped business opportunities and relationships.”

The other position, community development, is “responsible for performing highly responsible and independent professional duties in policy execution and specific activities related to workforce development and community development outreach and provides lead responsibility for administration and operation of initiatives and programs as assigned.”

CEO Terry Stokes said the jobs have been placed on the city’s website and the Texas Economic Development Council career website, which goes to the 1,100 members desktops automatically.

In addition, the jobs are posted on the International Economic Development Council’s career site, with exposure to 20,000, as well as another career board with exposure to more desktops.

“We are pleased with the applications that we’re receiving so far, and we will get underway with interviewing for those positions this coming Monday,” Stokes said.

The PAEDC’s Workforce Youth Development Program is also up in the air since the departure of one of its employees. When the employee left, she did so with institutional knowledge of the program, which provides work experience to Port Arthur youth with targeted employers, and the EDC underwrites their hourly wage. That amount increased from $12 per hour to up to $18 per hour.

He said the staff is working to keep the program running smoothly.