ASK A COP — Crossing double white lines a $224 fine
Published 12:04 am Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Ray from Port Arthur asks: Officer Antoine I’m confused about solid single and double white lines on the roadway. My friend crossed a double white line and she said her action was legal. What’s the deal with single and double white lines on the roadway?
Answer: Good question Ray. It appears many motorists in Southeast Texas and Texas itself are confused about the legality of the single and double white lines on the roadway. I only say that because of continuous violations of the double white lines I’ve noticed. There is no violation for crossing a single solid white line, but if you cross that line and a crash occurs, you would more than likely be the “at fault” vehicle. A single solid white line is a guide to traffic flowing. Now, the double white solid lines are a different story. Ray, if you are caught crossing over a double white line you can be issued a citation (ticket) because it is a violation in the state of Texas to cross over a DOUBLE white lines. If found guilty in the city of Port Arthur Municipal Court, the fine is $224.
Debra from Nederland asks: Officer Antoine thanks for this column. Today I’m happy to be able to say I’m a reader and fan of your column, because yesterday not so much! Officer Antoine you never stopped me at any time, but I swear you stopped and gave a ticket to everyone else in my family. So of course I didn’t like you but have come to realize you are out there working trying to save lives. I saw something while in San Antonio during the Thanksgiving break that prompted me to “Ask A Cop!” I saw a car without any doors on it, nor did the car have a truck or engine cover. Is it illegal to drive a vehicle in Texas without those items?
Answer: Good question Debra. The vehicle you observed on the road in San Antonio during Thanksgiving without any doors on it was legal. There’s no state law that requires a vehicle to have a door or truck/hood to be legal to operate on the roads of Texas. As strange as it looks if all occupants were properly secured by seatbelts, there was no violation committed. Remember there are vehicles bought off a lot almost to the very description you provided (Jeeps).
Jimmy from Port Arthur asks: Officer Antoine, with the holiday season being in full swing, can you give a few safety tips on driving, entering and exiting your vehicle while shopping? Thanks for all you do to provide the readers with driving information!
Answer: We are in the middle of the biggest holiday shopping season and our store and parking lots are packed with customers, and unfortunately mixed in that group of happy shoppers are some criminals. So we need to take extra precautions when driving and entering or exiting our vehicles.
Here are just a few safety tips to consider: Ladies, never leave your purse on front seat of your vehicle (any seat in that case). Also, ladies, if possible leave your purse at home or secure it in the trunk, and if you carry it, strap your purse across your body or have it on your shoulder.
If shopping at night, park in a lighted area. If possible don’t shop alone, never leave packages unattended or on the seats of your vehicle. Have your keys in your hand before exiting the store, make a note of where you parked, avoid parking next to vehicles that are much bigger than yours, don’t carry large amounts of cash, make sure you securely lock your vehicle, when approaching your vehicle be aware of your surroundings and, lastly, DON’T ALLOW ANY STRANGER TO APPROACH YOU!
Join Officer Antoine for Ask A Cop Live, on KSAP 96.9 FM, “The Breeze” every Tuesday from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Tune in and listen as Officer Antoine discusses in detail the newly released Ask A Cop article. You can also tune in via Feel free to call in and ask your question live at 409-982-0247.
Remember to email your questions to, or call 409-983-8673 and leave a message or voice mail question, or mail them to: Ofc. Rickey Antoine, 645 4th Street, Port Arthur, Texas, 77640. If you happen to see me in public you can Ask A Cop!