FIRST RESPONDERS — PAPD’s Jonathan Green serves community that raised him

Published 12:25 am Saturday, January 25, 2020

Port Arthur Police Sgt. Jonathan Green brings something special to the police force; an ability to blend in with people of all walks of life in a town he grew up in.

“He brings the community outreach portion we are always talking about and striving for,” PAPD Chief Tim Duriso said. “He is very friendly and works very well with the community. He is well respected on the shift he leads, about 15 officers.”

Duriso said Green, who joined the force in 2008, is in touch with the community because he is from the community and is able to go from one side of the city to another, more affluent areas with ease.

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Green grew up in Louis Manor Apartments, considered “the projects” to some residents where he saw violence on a regular basis as well as people needing help.

“I figured as a police officer I could one day be an example to young people,” Green said. “A lot of kids that I encounter with Blue Santa and mentoring see me and hear my story and it gives them hope that they can do it.”

Green works with students in the juvenile justice system in a program established by Regina Rogers called IEA — Inspire, Encourage, Achieve. He’s vice president of the department’s Blue Santa program that gives back to hundreds of children each December and works closely with several elementary schools.

He credits Det. Herbert Otis, now retired, with inspiring him to become a police officer. Green, then a young kid from “Joe Louis” apartments, encountered Otis and saw him at the bowling alley.

Green has steadily climbed the ranks at the department, hiring on at the Police Academy Jan. 7, 2008, and graduating in May 2008.

He was originally assigned to the patrol division, where he spent the first eight years then was promoted to the Community Response Unit.

“I did a little bit of everything in that unit,” Green said. “In January last year I was promoted to sergeant.”

His duties as sergeant are to supervise the evening shift of officers.

He has also worked as a field-training officer, on the SWAT team and more.

Police officers across the nation face daily struggles with people who do not trust law enforcement — something that has been documented in stories for years. Green, who is African American and a police officer, said he understands some of those feelings. What he wants people to understand is most police officers are good cops.

“There’s nothing like policing in a city you grew up in,” he said. “I can get information from someone I know where other officers might not have that rapport and may not feel as comfortable talking to you.”

Green has goals.

“If God sees fit for me get promoted in the next ranks, I would like to do that,” he said. “Another goal of mine is to be an example to the community and to younger officers and teach what I have learned.”

Law enforcement is a tough job so there is a need for hobbies, an outlet of some kind.

“The depression rate is high and the suicide rate is higher than it needs to be so there needs to be an outlet for police,” he said. “My outlet is my family and being active in my church.”

Green also does cross fit, goes out to eat and travels. He recently traveled to Israel on a trip that was part sightseeing and part spiritual journey. The year before he went to Jamaica and there are other places on his bucket list to visit.

When asked if he had anything else to say, his words became softer.

“We are human beings. We have the same feelings everybody else has. It’s just that we took an oath to do this job and will do it to the best of our ability,” he said. “We have the same feelings as everyone else. We’re not Superman, we’re not bulletproof.”